Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Wait is Hyrion dead? Cuz nobody is alive in there but Moonlight, Shannon, and Shade)
*The flygon flys away, and back towards the castle*
*Goth is still running threw the forest when-*
Zotz: "Goth stop!"
Goth: "What is it master?"
Zotz: "There is three..."
Goth: "Then let me go get them!"
Zotz: "No not yet.. they just got here and the life in them is to powerfull. Thats why when Tonks atacked that Eevee it did not die."
Goth: "Your saying to just let them go?!"
Zotz: "No, we have to wait a day for us to be able to get the life from them"
She sighs, then returns to the cliff to see the still wounded Shannon.
A little concerned, she hops down to Shannon.
"Need some help?" she says, emotionlessly.
*Garret sees Shannon disappear. Teleports to the fissure.*
"... What the... I thought I sealed all of these!"
*Jumps in. Lands next to Shannon.*
"You okay?"

ShayminSky! said:
*Moonlight groans and gets up slowly, still bleeding heavily*
Moonlight: "We don't have our powers anymore..."

Shade: "I know..."
*Moonlight starts licking at her wounds, trieing to stop the bleeding*
*Goth sighs and walks back to the castle*
Goth: "What?! Were are they coming from?!"
*Shade bandages her wounds.*
Garret: "Oh no... We've got to get out of here!"
Name: Flare
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Flareon
Description: He can turn human anytime and he is different from other Flareons. He also the master of all Flareons. His gf is a beautiful Glaceon named Hyorin. They would always cuddle with each other. They also had a baby Eevee (male) named Neko. When Flare is mad, he burns a lot. He usually just trains by burning tree and other flammable stuff.
Appearance: Axeleon

Sorry, if it's short.. :(
Moonlight: "Thanks"
*Goth wimpers*
Goth: "Why cant i get them now?!"
Zotz: "I have already told you"
Goth: "But what if we lose them?"
Zotz: "Ill watch them..."
*Garret sighs. He goes Human and picks her up. Starts walking through the forest.*
*Shade nods and kisses her cheek.*
"We'll find a way out... I promise..."

Axel said:
Ziggoratt999 said:
(Ok, just no master of all Flareons and you're in.)

Okay, but how about fire? :X

*The bleeding still doesnt stop and both Moonlight and Shannons lights are dim*
Zotz: "The first one we should go after is the Eevee or the human girl, they are both almost dead"
*Goth nods*
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