Finished Eeveelution RPG

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A shiny Lucario jumped out and grabbed them.
"I'm not here to hurt you! Just follow me or you can say goodbye to life!"
"Because these Pokemon don't need to live again...They died and they should stay dead..."
He looked at Shannon.
"And almost everyone here will go after her..."
*Dustin gets upset that he lost his only lead.*
*Dustin uses is powers to track down Garret.*
"The land of the dead eh? I could just leave him there to die but time is running out and I can't let that happen..."
*dustin teleports behind Garret and pushes him to the ground.*
"For the sake of the world... you..must...die!"
*Dustin starts to swing his sword at Garret.*
"Chaos will destroy us all in just 36 hours! It must be stopped and the only way I know... is for you to die."
*Get's ready his sword.*
"Garret, you should know most of all. What's worth more? Your life or everyone else's!"
"Dustin, I don't believe you. Now will you please GET AWAY!!!"
*Stabs Dustin through the chest, hitting a lung.*
*Dustin grabs the sword and throws it away. The wound heals immediately.*
"You can't kill me. Now see what I saw."
*Makes Garret see what what Dustin saw.*
"I still don't believe you Dustin."
*Spin kicks Dustin, sending him flying into the wall. The wall crumbles on top of him.*
"No!" Reiki grabs Shannon(Shannon fell asleep:p) and rushes out. He turned to Garret.
"If she's hurt one bit, more and more Pokemon will come here."
*Dustins makes his way out of the rubble unharmed.*
"It is true Garret. But if you don't want me to kill you then you either have 2 choices. 1.Fight me until the time is up and still survive. But let Chaos out. or 2. Find another way to kill Chaos without killing you. You have 24 hours."
charidude said:
*Dustins makes his way out of the rubble unharmed.*
"It is true Garret. But if you don't want me to kill you then you either have 2 choices. 1.Fight me until the time is up and still survive. But let Chaos out. or 2. Find another way to kill Chaos without killing you. You have 24 hours."

"I choose C."
*Gets Reiki and Shannon out of the cave and kicks a boulder that's above the entrance. Gets out just in time. The cave collapses, trapping Dustin inside.*
"None of the above."

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Reiki nodded. Just then a Scizor slamed into his back.
"Give me the living one, Reiki!!!"

*Slashes the Scizor, cutting into it's gut.*
"Urk!" The Scizor fell, but a Weivile grabbed Garret. Hundreds of Pokemon start to surround them.
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