Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"... I hate this so, so much..."
*Stabs the Weavile in the face. Slashes his arms, making him let go. Takes Shannon and leaps into the air. Lands on a Pidgeot.*
???: "What the-"
Garret: "Listen to me very carefully. Are you with Reiki?"
???: "Yes."
Garret: "You don't want to return to the land of the living?"
???: "Not particularly."
Garret: "Then FLY!!!"
*The Pidgeot shrugs and flies away with them on it's back.*
*The Pidgeot growls.*
Pidgeot: "Prepare for an emergancy evac., mates!"
*Garret holds Shannon close to him and holds onto the Pidgeot tightly. It flies off at top speed, breaking the sound barrier with a huge Sonicboom.*
"Becuase going the speed of sound takes a lot out of me. You should be safe here, just don't head North."
(Or me!!!!)
*Dustin shakes off the boulders.*
"This time I'm not going to kill him. Just get Chaos out. And that I already know how to do...
*Dustin teleported behind Garret and snatched SHannon out of her hands.*
*Throws Shannon to the ground.*
(whispers to Shannon but Garret can't hear.) "Shannon. I'm not going to hurt you. This is just to get Chaos out."
*Takes out his sword and holds it to Shannon's neck.*
"Hey Garret. I'm about to kill your girlfriend."
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