Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret growls. He shudders, but because he's in the land of the dead, Chaos can't come out. He throws himself at Dustin and slashes him across the face.*

Shadow Umbreon said:
Shadow teleports. "Sorry I've been out for so long."

(We're in the land of the dead, you can't teleport in)
(She was asleep:p)
"Urk!" Shannon said, her eyes snapping open. They were dull, but full of fear.
(Uses telepathy to Shannon)"Shannon! I need your help to bring out Chaos! In just 2 hours Chaos will take over Garret's body for good therefore killing him! If you care about him do something that would destroy is heart. Help me over him! Do it if you truly love him!"
*Dustin's wounds heal. Then he starts to clash his sword with Garret's sword.*
"Shannon, please help me!"
"Some...thing...break...his...heart....I...know.." Shannon make it look like in Garret's mind she was being killed by a dead Pokemon.(Making him see things.)
(But that's not as fun:p Oh well)
"Right...doesn' what...will." She crawled over to Dustin and kissed him.
*Garret sees her. He falls to the ground.*
*Closes his eyes and holds his head.*
"No... I'm not letting you out again!!!"
*He turns into an Umbreon and falls to the ground. His eyes turn red and his marking starts pulsing crimson.*
*He concentrates. Chaos calms down and doesn't come out. He gets up, completely himself. He looks at Shannon, tears in his eyes, and runs off sobbing.*
Tear filled Shannon's eyes.
"No..." She started to cry hard and her wounds came back.
She stood up and painfuly, headed NORTH:)O).
*Garret keeps running. He falls over, his symbols and eyes pulsing red again.*
"NO, CHAOS!!!"
*Restrains him again, and keeps running North.*
(So Shannon's following Garret, right?)
(Well she wasn't at first, but ok...)
She keeps moving along. Gliscor was looking at her through the trees.
G:"He-he...Now she doesn't have her little body guard. This'll be too easy."
*Chaos finally takes control. He grins evilly.*
"Yes... It feels good to be back..."
*He flies back to Shannon. Tackles the Gliscor away and unmakes him. Looks at Shannon.*
"I must thank you again..."
"Garret isn't gone. Would you like to see him?"
*Chaos fades away. Garret falls to the ground.*
Garret: "Shannon..."
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