Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Garret, it's ok! Just try to block them out!"
She puts her hand on his hand, trying to help block it.
*When she offers her support, he begins to calm down. He looks around.*
"Okay... That was weird..."
Garret*T*: "Okay, so I was wrong about not having powers anymore..."
"I'm glad that's over with..."
"Now then. Girls head down to the left, first door on the right."
"Boys, head to the right first door to the left."
"Here is a class schedule."
*Hands them each a class schedule.*

10:00 Science
11:00 World History
12:00 Language
1:30 Lunch Break
2:00 Gym
3:00 Music.

10:00 Music
11:00 Gym
12:00 Science
1:30 World History
2:30 Lunch Break
3:00 Language.
*Kisses her cheek.*
"See you whenever..."
*Heads off to his room. Closes the door and turns invisible. Flies out the window and heads to the nearest town.*
*Dustin had been watching on them just to make sure everything went okay when he spotted Garret.*
*Flies up next to him.*
"Garret what are doing?"
Shannon head to her locker. She closed her eyes and a bookbag apeared in her hands. She headed off to music and walked in.
"Grabbing something."
*Walks into a music store.*
"I can't exactly keep using aura instruments, can I?"
*Buys a flute and guitar. Walks outside and flies back to his room. Snaps his fingers and his backpack appears in his hands.*
*Puts it on his back.*
"Kind of heavy..."
*Walks to Science.*
(From now on I'll have time checks.)

*In Music there is a medium sized teacher with glasses.*
"Oh hello there? You must be my new student. Shannon? Right?"
*In music class there is a tall man with round glasses.*
"Hello there. Just on time aren't you? Well my name is Mr. Stone and I'll be teaching you Science."
(I would've done the pm right now but I have to have dinner. You guys can control your own teachers. But there is nothing wrong with them!!!"
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