Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Sits at a lab table in science. Puts down his bag. A tall blonde woman stands at the front of the class.*
"Hello. My name is Mrs. King. I'm your Chemistry teacher."
*Garret tries not to burst out laughing.*
Mrs. King: "... Is something wrong?"
Garret: "Nothing. Please, continue..."

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
Sounds were coming out of Garret's backpack.
Shannon walked over and took a set.

*Looks at his backpack.*
What the...
*Ignores it.*
Garret's backpack started to shake.
A man stands up in front of the class.
"Hello, my name is Mr. Baliey and I'll be teaching music. I need to know what each of you play." He passes out a paper to eveyone.
Shannon writes Guitar, Singing, and Flute on her's.
Garret: "May I be excused to the restroom?"
*Mrs. King nods. Garret picks up his backpack and walks to the bathroom. Opens it.*
(Ok I back. I'll control the teachers now.)
*Mr. Bailey looks at the paper.*
"Guitar and flute eh? Which one's your favorite?"
*In a hushed tone.*
"MysticWater?! What are you doing here???"
*Smiles and hugs her.*
"I've missed you so much..."
*Hears someone walking by the bathroom. Hides her in his sweater.*
"Ok, you can stay, but you need to keep quiet, okay?"
"Umm...Sure..." Shannon grabs her guitar and goes infront of the class. She started to play and sing this in a beutiful voice and music.
"Ok," MysticWater said in Pokemon.
(Not yet Zigg. Wait until Gym for the big suprise.)
*Mrs. King walks to the front of the boy's bathroom.*
"Garret? You almost done in there?"
(I know)
"Um, yeah..."
*Puts MW in his backpack and closes it, leaving it open a little so she can breathe. Walks out.*
"I'm good."
*Walks back to class.*
(There's no one but her and Mr. Bailey. Remember, private school?)
*Mr. Bailey starts clapping in aprechiation.*
"Very well done Shannon! Have you though about a future carreer in music? You are extremely talented. And that's just the thing that we're and colleges are looking for. I think you have a bright future here Shannon."
"Thank you for finishing Garret."
"Now onto Science. Our first subject for the year will be a topic hopefuly you'll enjoy. Experiments. Now we'll start with an easy one. Take out your supplies I requested you to have. A vial, 3 test tubes, baking soda, vinegar."
Science? Really? I can bend reality, and I have to go to SCIENCE class...
*Does as she asks.*
(Can we skip some classes)

Mr. B "Okay class. Now we ar onto our first progect of the year. This will be simple and I will put you in groups of 5 according to what you will be playing."
*Only Shannon is not put in a group.*
"Shannon, for the first concert I would like you to accompany me. We will practice during your lunch break. So for now would you be ever so kind as to help those that are in need of assistance?"

Time check
(Garret's at gym and Shannon's oing to special music class.)
Shannon smiles and walks over to the class.
"Do you guys need any help?" One girl gave her an evil look.
*Mr. Vatalii walks over to him.*
"Is that what you want Garret? Swordfighting? Be my guest if you want? Although let me tell ya, you're one good football player."

*Mr. Bailey turns around.*
"ahh, there you are Shannon."
*Hands her a very complicated music sheet.*
"For this concert I would like you to learn this with me. Then play any song of your choice. Is that okay by you?"
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