Finished Eeveelution RPG

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She keeps following him.
"May I see some of it?"
Shannon knocked on Josh's door. He opened it.
"Hey Shannon, come on in."
(A lake)
"Um... Sure, I guess."
*Goes into his room. Accidentally leaves the door open enough for her to open it at a slight push. Pulls out his flute and closes his eyes. Starts playing this beautifully. Chloe feels pure joy and love welling up inside her.*
Shannon walked into Josh's room. Two guys were sitting in the corner.
"Let's see how you do with some different kind of music."
Chloe walks in.
"That's amazing...." She blushes.
(I'll control him when you talk to him)
*Looks at Chloe.*
"Thanks, I guess..."
*Puts away the flute. Stands up.*
"So, do you need something?"
She sits on his bed.
"Nope, just like being here."
Josh hands Shannon some music. She nodded. The two guys stand, one with dirty blond hair and one with golden brown hair.
J:"This is Jacob*Points to the blond hair boy* and Mark." Mark went over to the drums while Jacob went to a keyborded.
J:"Let's go." Josh picked up a guitar and they all started to play this
*Sighs and sits next to her, not realizing she likes him yet.*
"Alright, but I hope you don't mind me playing while you're here..."
*Starts playing the song again. She feels love and joy overflowing inside her.*
(brb dinner)
Chloe smiles and quickly kiss him on the cheak.
"That was great!! Now for one for Shannon to sing!"
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