Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Wow, that was amazing Garret!" She smiles and blushes.
"Well I'm heading back to my room guys." Shannon grabbed her guitar and put it in her room. She started to walk to Garret's room.
*Panics and literally flies out of his door, through the empty hall. Runs right into Shannon.*
"Shannon! You've got to hide me! There's this girl named Chloe that WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! She keeps flirting with me and kissing me and... Ugh..."
"What?! Uhh...nevermind....Just hide in my room quickly!"
Josh snuck into Shannon's room.
"...right. Well, legend has it that when the original Eevee was born, instead of Stones, they used glass ribbons to evolve. Now, according to legend, there is one left of each type. I'd like to find them. It's also said that one particular glass ribbon can make you devolve into an Eevee so you can choose your path again... it'd be cool to do that..."
"I could ask the same thing!!" said Josh.
Shannon went into Garret's room.
"What are you doing flirting with my boyfriend!!"
(You should control Chloe.)
Chloe: "What are you talking about?"
Garret: "I'm Shannon's boyfriend, Garret. So once again, I must ask... Who are you?"
*The small mark on his hand glows a faint red.*
"Garret is MY boyfriend! He said you were flirting with him!"
"I'm her bandmate!"
*Whispering to himself.*
"And her new boyfriemd."
"Yes. The locations of all of them are known... except the clear one. The clear one is what makes you be able to choose your path again. I'd like to find that. You see..."
"I never wanted to be a Leafeon. I stumbled across the Mossy Rock by accident, and had no will to evolve. I was almost forced to. It's really a long story, but I won't bore you with it."
"I heard that, and don't even think about flirting with Shannon. Believe me, you don't want to go there."
*The marking on his hand is glowing bright red, filling the room with it's light. Quickly covers it up.*
Chloe: "He might be your boyfriend for now..."
*Walks past her.*
"But that can change pretty fast..."
*Walks away.*
*Chloe glares at her.*
"What are you doing?!"
*Garret's eyes begin to turn red.*
"Oh no... This isn't good..."
*Calms himself down. The glowing of his eyes and marking stop.*
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