Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Me and Forte are going to look for them. If you want to come, by all means come. We need all the help we can get. If you don't, we'll go by ourselves."
"You're sure you've never heard of them?"
Shannon thought for a second.
"Odd..." Then the bell rang.
"Anyways...Can you see if I can be in swordfighting? See ya!" She stood up and started to walk down the hall.
Shannon walks into Science and Chloe was sitting in the back, not looking at her. Shannon walked over to Mr. Bailey.
"Sir, insted of just me playing the song I picked, can my band play a song or two?"
"Sure, sure."
"Thank you." Shannon took her seat.
Chloe walks up to him.
"Hey Garret!"
Shannon leaves her class and starts to look for Garret.
"*T* Great...Chloe...."
Shannon starts walking to lunch when Josh steps next to her.
"Hey Shannon."
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