Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret growls.*
"Watch me..."
*Sits on Shannon's bed and waits.*
Chloe: "Whatever..."
*Walks away.*
(g2g for the night. No one post til I get bak)
(Let's just change that to Mossy Rock, now shall we?)
"All right, ya see...
It was a warm day on the field outside the winner's cave... or whatever it's called. That's where I lived. I was playing with my brothers and sisters. I had many. All of them were evolved, and the only evolution not taken was Leafeon. But I didn't want to become a Leafeon, I wanted to be a Jolteon. Anyways, I was playing with my sister Emix, an Umbreon, and my brother Jacques, a Jolteon. Jacques was pretty much my role model. We stumbled across a mossy rock. The moss on it was quite peculiar. Emix warned us not to touch it. Jacques, being playful, pushed me. I stumbled because of my extra leg- I wasn't used to walking on it yet- and fell onto the stone. And then, I evolved. All of my relatives were proud of me, but I wasn't happy. To this day, I still wish I could have become a Jolteon."
"And that's my story."
(Didn't see Zig's post until after this was posted)
(To all you people thinking we dont have a plot we do. A bigger plot then anyone realizes. On my last post it should've become evident but... if you didn't catch on that's okay. And remember all girls have the same classes and all boys have the same classes and that Garret's allowed to take off to practice sword-fighting.)

(Brb, shower)
"Why? The only thing I dislike is Chloe. I'm in a band and everything!" She takes a bit from the apple.
"Maybe they have swordfighting for girls. That would be fun."
"Well, the one I'm most concerned about is the clear one. Its location is not known. However, rumor says that you've got to have all the other glass ribbons before you can obtain the clear one."
*Goes over to Shade and wakes him up*
"Ever heard of the glass ribbons?"
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