Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Hiya!" MysticWater said, jumping up and down.
Shannon wakes up and looks around. She leans her head againist her hand.
"So it wasn't a dream."
*In the hallway is the little man from the enrolllment desk.*
"I see you've both rested well. And you even found..oh what did Mr. Z call it again?... Oh right and I see you've even found MysticWater Garret."
"Mr. Z has instructed me to bring you to the swordplay room. Please follow me."
*Leads them to the locked door.*
(Brb lunch.)

*The man shows them through the door and into a large room in the center there is a patformthat was obviously the sparring area and Zarin stood in there.*
"I fear that your current state will not be powerful enough."
"Anyways. Today you may ask me 1 question and I will answer truthfuly. So ask me. What is it you want to know?"
Z-"Very well. Dudsprak will you lead Shannon to Vice Principal T?"
(Zigg you know who that is.)
D-"Yes sir. Shannon please follow me."
*Dudsprak leads Shannon through another door.*
"Now Garret. I want you to swing at me with all your might."
*Takes out a sword.*
*Draws his own sword.*
"Strength isn't everything, Mr. Z. An experienced fighter would know that. But if you insist..."
*Swings at Zarin with enough strength to shatter a ten ton block of metal.*
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