Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Hidj is too preoccupied examining the shrine for traces of the ribbon. Suddenly, a female voice is heard.*
???: "Hidj?"
Name: Emix
Age: 16
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description: Is Hidj's sister. After Hidj left, the family was attacked by hunters. She managed to escape and never looked back.
Appearance: Nothing special
Hidj: "Emix?"
*His armour stops the blade before it breaks skin.*
"Well done Garret. But now we must train other than swordplay. FOllow me to the agility room."
*Starts walking towards another room.*
*In the room is a massive obstacle course on a treadmil going at 30 mph and giant objects coming toward you while a giant swinging pengulum moves at you from behind.*
"Complete it."
-_- "... That's all?"
*Sighs. Leaps onto the obstacle course. Going at lightspeed, he dodges all the objects and pendulums and reaches the end withing half a second.*
(But it's your character!!!)
Tera-"Hello Shannon, I'm the vice principal. And the head of all music and sports for girls. SO do you want to play music?"
*Hidj finishes and turns to Emix*
Hidj: "What happened? Why aren't you with Mom and Dad?"
Emix: "After you left, our family was attacked by hunters. I ran for my life. I don't know what happened to the rest of us."
Hidj: "Why are you here?"
Emix: "I came here because of rumors that only grass Pokemon stay here. I was hoping to find you."
Hidj: "And you did. Did you by any chance find a green ribbon made out of glass while you were here?"
Emix: "Yes. However, a Shaymin stole it and flew away with it."
Hidj: "Oh. Let's track that Shaymin down!"
*Forte hears them finish talking*
"Where next"
(Btw if my character gets in danger it summons a huge hail and tries to destroy the threat and then freezes over and loses his memory. might gain control)
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