Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Hidj and Emix walk out*
Emix: "I saw the Shaymin fly to the top of Mt. Coronet, so that's where we should go."
Hidj: "Any suggestions on how to get there?"
"All right."
*Asks the Skarmory. It takes them to the top of Mt. Coronet, where a Shaymin is seen Battling a Jolteon. The Shaymin uses Razor Leaf, dealing many heavy blows to the Jolteon. The Jolteon is bleeding all over, unable to fight. The Shaymin moves in for the kill-*
Hidj: "Hey, Shaymin! What do you think you're doing with my brother?"
*Hidj tackles the Shaymin, knocking it to the ground. The Shaymin escapes, grabs the Green ribbon, and throws it onto the ground. It breaks into a million pieces. The Shaymin flies away. Hidj walks over to the Jolteon. It is dead. Hidj begins to cry*
*Emix walks over. She is also crying silently.*
Emix: "He was a good brother."
*Hidj looks up and notices a wall through his tears. The wall has several ribbon-shaped holes which have been filled with ribbons of different colors. There is one missing.*
Hidj: "He must have been fighting for the Green Ribbon... I wonder what's through this door."
Shannon closed her eyes and a flute apeared in her hands. She started to play a beutiful melodey that made everyone who herd it happy and sleppy.
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