Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Thanks, I guess." She sets the flute down and picks up her guitar. She sings and plays(the song I alwayss post:p Decode:By Paramore).
*Tera keeps giving her lessons until it's late afternoon.*
Tera: "Alright, you and Garret can leave now."
*Garret gets off the obstacle course and leaves. Goes to his room and picks up his bag and MW.*
Shannon heads to her room. She sighs.
Yes I like music, but I want to show people my fighting skills.
She sits down on her bed.
Name: Greyclaw
Age: 15
Eeveelution: Flareon
Description: Greyclaw was always interested in strategy games and puzzles ever since he was a child. His parents frowned upon it, believing that such thinking will brew mischief. Perhaps Greyclaw wished to pay back the favor by being mischievous to everyone in general. His craftiness and deceit leads him in several bad relations with people, but as a friend, he's reliable and loyal.
Appearance: His left paw and right ear is black, and his claws have a very dark shade as well, giving him his name.
On a side note: He does not being called just "Grey."
(Zyflair, all your name's make me think of the Warriors books:p)
Shannon got up and opened the door.
"Hey Garret..."
"Thanks," she said in a sore voice. She sighed.
"I sang too much today." She sets the sheet on her desk and grabbed her water bottle.
(Thank you for letting me know.)
*Greyclaw, listening to everyone's conversation's outside.
"Alot of people are interested in sword fighting... interesting... Perhaps I should sign up as well..."
*Walks off to sign up and participate.
(They are humans while me and so others are still eeveelutions. they are at a school and the eeveelutions are at a lake or mt. cornet)
"Sing and play like there was no end...I don't get it though...They're teaching you important things like swordfighting, but why only music for me? How does music help anyone." She leaned on the wall.
*Pulls out his flute. Begins playing a quick-paced song. Two glimmering swords appear above him and start waving around to the music. Stops playing and they vanish.*
"I've used music in battle before. It's actually pretty useful..."
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