Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Fifteen - Love!"


Looks like I really am not the other one after all... This... This will be fun.

"I'm getting warmed up..."

*Crouches down and closes his eyes.

"Give me the next one."
Emix: "Hall of Origin. Creation Date: The same day the universe was created. The clear ribbon must be in here."
*Hidj walks forwards. Emix is fascinated with pictures of Eeveelutions plastered on the wall.*
*Hidj continues to walk forwards. There is a large flight of stairs in front of him. He climbs them. At the top, there are sixteen plates places in respective spots on the wall. In the middle of the plates is a picture of Arceus. Hidj touches the picture, and a pedestal is revealed behind this wall. Hidj walks in, and spots the clear ribbon. He touches it, and begins to glow. He devolves into an Eevee, and loses his extra leg.*
"I'm an Ee- whoa!"
*Trips, and falls down the flight of stairs.*
"I'm not used to having only four legs..."
"Yeah... now, let's get back to the other ribbons, so I can choose a different evolution."
*Emix is still busy looking at the pictures. She notices the others leaving, and quickly runs to them.*
*Catches it in surprise.

"I see... a free for all. Very well, a traditional game doesn't have great rules to it anyway."

*Tosses up the ball, and strikes it with a similar speed to the first serve.

No holding back now. At this rate, the court might crack from the impact... but I'm not the one paying for it so why should I care?
*Hidj walks over to a nearby rock and picks it up. He is about to throw it, but he starts glowing. On a closer inspection of the rock, it's a water stone. Hidj evolves into Vaporeon.*
*Hidj goes T_T*
Hidj: "..."

Her strength is much more powerful, combating it at the edge of the court won't do...

So I'll hit it further back!


*Returns the ball at a much slower pace, creating a close drop shot.
"No, they wouldn't listen. Anyway, I just remembered, I'm strong against fire-types now."
*Hidj goes ^_^*
"I'm starting to like being a Vaporeon."
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