Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"Please... I've faced longer battles... However..."
*Let's the ball fly past.
"Tennis rackets are too fragile."
*Looks at the once-brand-new racket that's completely now worn out.
"Perhaps when we have a little privacy will we finish the fight."
*Turns around, facing away from Garret and the court.
"You're name is Garret isn't it? I've overheard some sword-fighting teacher praise you to others at no end."
*T* "You're interesting... Until we meet again, farewell."
*Teleports to the Music Room.
*T*: "I know what you are. You're really a Flareon. And I'm really an Umbreon. I sincerely hope we meet again."
Garret the Umbreon eh? Life... such an interesting thing it is.
*Turns on the light in the locked room. Opens the piano.
At least humans were capable of creating something of value...
*Closes his eyes.
Let the music flow from the fingertips.
*Takes a deep breath and begins to play the 4th Chopin Etude.
*Appears next to Greyclaw. Listens to the song.*
"An interesting song. As I see you are a fellow music lover, perhaps you'll enjoy this."
*Pulls out a flute and starts playing this. A mystical wind blows through the room as he plays, and the melody seems to fill Greyclaw with sheer joy.*
*Looks at Garret. Chuckles.
"You certainly are full of surprises. Tell me, what brings you here to such a dreadfully boring place?"
*Closes his eyes.*
"What you call boring, I call... Peaceful."
*Opens them and looks out the window.*
"I was born with powers. Powers and a life written out for me, a destiny... I've saved the world on several occasions, and it was never my choice... I've died multiple times, each time painfully... This is a calming break from all that. I just want a normal life..."
*Looks at Hidj*
"Why do you say that?"
*Looks back at Emix*
"I'm heading to Veilstone. I have some unfinished business there...with humans. Are you sure you want to continue?"
"Then you've come to the right place. I've never seen a school become an origin of the end of the world."
"Say, I'm very sure you're not the only one around here. How many of us are there in this school?"
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