Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Oops... I posted AFTER reading the parenthesis. -_-")
"Ah... Her name would be Shannon, would it not?"
(Me neither just let me post this one.)
*Principal V appears next to Garret.*
"You have kept me waiting no longer. You will never use your powers unless I tell you from here forward."
*Grabs Garret and teleports to the basement.*
"It's time you learn who I really am."
*Turns into a shiny umbreon looking exactly like Shade.*
"My name is Veran. A friend to some but maybe something more to you and Shade."
*Tera walks forward.*
"And II am really Tera. Shade knows me too, very very well..."
Shannon sat in her room, her eyes closed. She was breathing slow and heavy. Her eyes shot open and she stood up.
"I have to get out." She grabbed her sword and bookbag.
"Now..." She opened the window, and a Rapidash was waiting outside.
"*T*Garret, I'll be back." She swung onto the Rapidash with her bookbag and sword in hands.
*Senses Shannon.
"Those two must be friends... I must let her know what happened to her companion."
*Goes to Flareon form and dashes out of the room.
Garret*T*: "Shannon, run and don't come back! It was a trap! Veran and Tera are the principal and vice principal!!"
*Spots Shannon.
"She's leaving? Well, I suppose I'll have to let her know I'm here."
*Looks closer.
Is that bag filled with supplies?! She's escaping the school! Why?!
*Chases Shannon.
*Greyclaw jumps in front of Shannon and her Rapidash.
"Where are you going?!"
*Greyclaw watches her leave.
Something's wrong... something's... very wrong...
The Rapidash came to a stop. Shannon jumped off and stroked his neck.
"Good good Blaze," she said in Pokemon, no joy in her eyes. She looked off in the distance and started to walk.
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