Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Emix: "Yes. I'm his older sister, and most likely the only one left in his family other than himself."
*Hidj walks forward, trying to make Shade notice he's a Vaporeon*
Shade: "Yes, Hidj, I know that you're a Vaporeon. And last member of his family? I'm sorry..."

Garret: "Our powers seem to be what draw people to us, what propels our destinys... I say we give them up."
Emix: "Yes. After Hidj left, our family was attacked by hunters. I ran away, and never looked back... I feel deeply ashamed of myself for not fighting back."
Shade: "Don't be..."

Garret: "If you don't want to, we can find another way. I just want whatever makes you happy."
Emix: "Every time I think about it, I tell myself that I should've fought back to protect our family. It makes me extremely sad."
*Hidj looks at her*
Hidj: "But we're not sure that everyone is dead, are we?"
Emix: "No, but it's more likely than not."
*Shade nuzzles Emix.*
"You can't blame yourself... I lost my family when I ran away, too, so I know that it's not good to dwell on it..."
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
"I need to keep them..No matter what..."

Garret: "Alright. Then we find another way."
*Thinks for several minutes.*
"Hm... What if we segragated our auras?"
*Shade smiles.*

Garret: "Make it so that when people look at our auras, they can only sense regular humans. The way people always find us is looking at our auras. If we do this, we'll never have to fight any of them ever again."
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