Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shannon snuggled up to Garret.
MysticWater snucked away from Garret, knowing Shade was in pain.
*Garret smiles.*
"Auras segragated..."
*Enters her dream.*

*Shade screams in pain as he tries to resist the power of the chain.*
(I control Cyrus)
*Shade's eyes turn red. He walks over to Cyrus and heals him. Growls at Emix and Hidj.*
(Out of curiosity, why would he WANT to control Forte? Just curious)
(When Forte is hurt he produces a large amount of icy wind which can be used as energy)

(And moonlight is still at the lake)
*Greyclaw stepped out of a portal. It closed up immediately. Shadowclaw looks over the group of Eeveelutions.
"Glad to see I got here, I was worried I was going to miss the action."
( :( )
*Moonlight is startled by somthing and quickly wakes up she looks around not knowing were everyone went. She sighs and walks over to the river and puts her paw. She closes her eyes and then opens them startled*
Moonlight: "NO!"
*She tellaports to Mt. Coronet and jumps at Cyrus*
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