Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Hi guys im bak.)
*Veran and Tera appear next to them.*
V-"I still know it's you guys. That was extremely rude Garret just slashing at Tera. Here's the thing. Before Tera and I got on the wrong foot with Shade. We weren't evil just trying to help the greater good. But Shade couldn't see that. But you two aren't like them are you?"
*Shade is sustained, but not fully healed.*

*Garret glares at them.*
"I AM Shade. I'm half of his entire being. Now would you kindly leave?"
V-"It's a pokemon they called OSHade. They didn't even care enough about hi to give him a name.A small eevee which died in the process of "redeeming" himself saving Shade. He was treated like nothing. Whenever they looked at him they only saw Shade. I even gave him a chance to be free, but Shade's friends stopped him even when he wanted to do it. Therefore I reatliated because I cared for OSHade. He was special, just like everyone is. And why did I take a special liking to him and you? Because I, Veran, am Shade's and your brother."
Garret: "But... That's... And..."
*Holds his head in confusion.*
"I don't believe you..."
*Glares at Veran.*
"Shade would never do that to another living being!!"
"It's true. 100% true. But don't ask Shade. He'd never tell you just because he hates me for that reason. Why not asking Moonlight? She was there witnessing it."
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