Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Hidj is bleeding heavily. No one seems to notice Emix, who has snuck into the Galactic HQ. She spots a button to release the red chain and runs towards it*
*Emix blocks it, and creates an aura blade*
Emix: "You want to fight? Fine."
*Gets in a fighting stance*
(Emix and Shade are inside Galactic HQ, so someone outside needs to save Hidj D: )
*Shade slashes at her, but collapses mid-slash.*
"NO!!! I'm NOT letting this happen again..."
*Is on the ground, struggling for control.*
"GAH!!! Someone BREAK THE CHAIN!!!"
*Emix picks up Shade and walks outside. She notices Hidj, who is bleeding heavily and motionless. She drops Shade and runs over to him.*
Emix: "No... don't tell me I've lost another member of my family..."
*Begins to cry*
*Shade slowly wakes up. He drags himself over to Hidj and puts his paw on Hidj's forehead. Hidj heals. Shade passes out again, now much weaker than before.*
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