Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Garret smiles. Begins to mutter something. Shannon and Garret begin to glow a faint blue.*

42 chocolate said:
*Emix jumps up next to Shade and proceeds to talk*
Emix: "So, you've been through quite a lot"

Shade: "Yeah, I have. Unfortunately..."
*Lies down.*
fortegoddx said:
*Forte waits for everyone to catch up*
"We are going to attack Team Galactic"

"Um... I don't know where you've been for the past year, but I completley destroyed Team Galactic with Moonlight and Shannon last year. I remember them taking control of me with that red chain..."
*Shudders at the memory of being forced to attack his friends.*
"Cyrus wanted to use Dialga and Palkia to create a new world, but then decided to use me instead... It was horrible..."
"Follow me."
*Leads them to the destroyed Galactic building.*
"I annhilated their HQ six months ago. There is no more Team Gala- GAH!!!"
*Falls to the ground, holding his head in pain.*
*Blood trickles out of Shade's ear. He screams in pain. Cyrus walks out, holding a red chain.*
Cyrus: "Shade... Coming back here was predictable..."
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