Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(I don't think i can still join so just say no if i can't.

Description:Found One Day Deep in the Forest he's Tougher and more powerful than he looks.
Apperence:Has a Blue tint all over his boody Diffrent from other Espeon.

(Just tell me if i can't join)
"What? What happened? All I remember is getting dizzy and apearing in this place called the Land of he Dead."
(PALKIA DIALGA CLASH. You can't just enter someone else's plotline and pretend you know them. You need to say something like, *Ruby is walking through a forest* or something. Then, we'll find you)

Twilight ShayminLvr said:
"What? What happened? All I remember is getting dizzy and apearing in this place called the Land of he Dead."

"Oh, that's not good... By any chance, was Victoria there...?"
*1 Mile away*

So tired.....Can't ....*Faints in the Middle of the forest*
"Ah, Sarah. Suddenly makes sense."
*Smiles and hugs her.*

*Solaria sees Ruby.*
"Oh my god!"
*Runs to her. Picks her up.*
"Are you ok? Please wake up..."
*Tries to heal her.*
Ruby.....Don't go back in the forest please don't.....I need to get out....Help..*Fades away*
Sarah sighs.
"Good...You know, I thought I would see Shannon in the Land of the Dead...Werid, right?"
(She doesn't know...)
*Falls too the ground in a Blue light*Help take me anywhere where i can rest without.*Get's knocked out Uncousious*
(Does this have the PMD timeline? I mean, like it never existed unlike the ones on Pokestory. Also, I decided that I dont have any active RPGs, well, no one is on now.)

Eveelution:Leafeon(He isnt the same Soul like on Pokestory)
Description: Funny, smart, and adventurous
Apperence:Looks like a normal leafeon
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