Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Thank you.Now c'mon We have to find shelter*Both of us Dashes into the forest*Huh what?Who are those people?

*Walks up to Garret*Who are you people?
(Idk yet...I wish I knew.

"No, no I dont."
(PDC, is your character a boy or girl?)
Soul where are we?*Blast anouther Psychic blast even stronger than before.*
"I dont know, Im just wondering around...Hey, whats that?"
*hears the growling and runs after it*
"Come on!"
Soul we have to keep going.*Keeps realeseing Psychic blast all over*Someone Help Us!!!*Echos Through the forest*
*All of the sudden a Zangoose jumps at Soul. It pins her to the ground and growls then looks at one of the bushes. Were the Zangoose was looking a Weavile walks out.*
Weavile: "You let them escape!"
Zangoose: "Well this pokemon was distracting me" He glares at Soul then looks back at the Weavile "At least we have one of them"
*The Weavile nods*
Weavile: "Let it go.."
*The Zangoose lets go of Soul*
(Lol the Weavile is mean, im not trying to make fun of him! The Weavile thinks nothing but him and his team matters which make him a brat. He called Jade an 'it' also :p)
*The Weavile just glares at Soul
Weavile: "You and the rest of the pokemon will find out soon enough"
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