Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Barey stays awake take me anywhere just get me out of here i can teleport but just barely where do we have to go?

(SS Try to save me for intro)
(Just save me or something and later on introduce yourself.Or find me in the woods and Don't let me die or something like that)
*Gem on head starts Glowing* me please....Get me to anywhere that is safe please i have to use my Psychic enerygy now to live just help me please!
"Oh, Arceus. I gotta help you!"
*picks Ruby up and runs him(or her) over to a tree*
Signs of Leafeon: Nature Mold!
*The tree opens to reveal a resting place. Soul runs Ruby into there*
"What happened to you?"
I was walking thorough here when Weavile Jumped out of nowhere and Hit me over and over i couldn't teleport but a Mystreiois power Blased them away......Just help me.....please......If anyone sees this they have to come....*Fires a beam of Psychic Eneygy to the Sky.*
*uses Wish*

(Its a fake game, but they are working on it. It isnt a real Nintendo Game though. Acanthite is gonna be what the sequel to Explorers of the Fifth Dimension have. There are new pokemon, and its a new reigon, but I havent thought of a plot yet.)
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