Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(YOU COPIER!XD Soul died, became an Eevee, then got the power to evolve into all of the eeveeloutions.GWARSH!lol)
Soul: *finally catches up to Shade* "Shade! Are you alright? Your dad's here, itll be alright."

Jewel:*comes back* "What happened???!?!?!?!"
*Trips on a Rock and Falls and Get's KOed*

Ruby":.....Urg.....Shade!Are you alright?!"
(Are you KIDDING ME?! That's been my idea in every rpg for 2 years! lol. and Shade is with the Weavile)
*Shade moans again.*
(lol, I didnt know. When you were gone, I did it. Now I dont know whos idea is which.XD

And mkay)

Both: Get back here!!!!!!*both run after Weavile*
"NO!!There gone!"*uses Psychic Powers and tries to find them*

"....What happened here?"
*The Weavile quickly dodges the Energy Ball*
*Silver keeps running after Shade but is falling behind. All of the sudden the Zangoose jumps out at her and grabs her*
*The Zangoose quickly dodges*
*The Weavile keeps running. All of the sudden a Grovyle jumps at the Weavile and uses Leaf Blade*
Weavile: "Ug!"
*He glares at the Grovyle*
Weavile: "Out of my way!"
Groyvle: "Let go of that eevee"
*The Weavile grins*
Weavile: "No"
*It starts to run again with the Grovyle chasing after him*
*Uses Psychic power To Levitate Then Blasts of to Chase the weavile*
(I'm i this too!~)

*Keeps Fireing Energy Balls at the Weavile*

"Whats wrong with This Grovyle were trying to save Shade to!If you don't stop..."
*All of the sudden vines wrap around Ruby and it pulls him to the ground. *The Groyvle jumps at the Weavile and tackles it to the ground*
*uses Psychic On Grovyle*

"What is with theses Vines Let's see if they can stand psychic power!"
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