Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*The Zangoose dodges. Then the Groyvle jumps and tackles the Zangoose to the ground*
Zangoose: "YOU!"
*The Groyvle sends a bullet seed at the Zangoose then grabs Silver*
Zangoose: "If I were you I would watch my back!"
*The Zangoose dissapears*
*Silver looks at the Groyvle*
Silver: "Thanks.."
"She Looks Ok......I think....we Still have to save Shade though...."
*The Weavile grins at Shade and he keeps feeling pain*
*The Gorvyle sends a bullet seed at Soul and Jewel and Ruby*
*dodges it, but Jewel gets hit in the eye, and falls to the ground*
"What did you do that for?"
*doesnt attack, afraid of hitting Silver*

Jewel:*is on the ground*
*The Groyvle glares at Soul*
Groyvle: "Im protecting her because the world depends on it! I see you did not do a great job in protecting Shade!"
*He looks at Silver*
Groyvle: "Were is Griffin?"
"Like we were gonna hurt her? Give me one good reason why i shouldnt kick your-"

Jewel:*is still on the ground, holding her eye*
Groyvle: "Hmm only one reason? I would KILL you!"
*Shade stops glowing and the pain stops*
Weavile: "Good..this should be enough*
*The Weavile starts glowing black*
*growls and bares his fangs, then sends a look to Silver that says"should I?"*

Jewel:*slowly gets up, still holding her eye*
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