Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Yes school, arg..But I had fun with my old teacher during pickup...I was so fun^_^)
Sarah slowly woke up and looked around(she is still an Eevee).
Groyvle: "Be-
*All of the sudden everything turns pich black and cold*
Groyvle: "Because of that...I see that the Weavile took Shade's powers..."
"Hmm...Guess I should wake him up." She simled. She started to jumped on him.
"I can do so much more as an Eevee!" she laughed.
*Everything in that forest starts to freeze*
(I gtg. NOBODY find Shade, Weavile, Zangoose, and Jade. Ill be back in a hour! Later!)
(Same with Me i Need to Ev Train Control me or Do really nothing Bye!)
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