Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"If we're caught in the halls as pokemon, we'll be dodging pokeballs left and right. I'll leave as a human, you stay in my bag."
*Opens his bag for her and turns into a human.*
*Puts the bag on his back. Walks out of the room into the hall. Sees a flash of blonde hair.*
"Oh no... When we're about to leave..."
Chloe walks up. "Hey Garret!"
Sarah moans into the bag.
"What was that?" she asked, looking at the bag.
(Lol poor Chloe :p Your all going to give her a heart attack by doing that!)
*Jade stands next to Shade*
Jade: "Shade are you ok?"
Jade: "So am I..."
Silver: "Were is Shade?"
Grovyle: "..."
Silver: "WHERE IS HE?!"
Grovyle: "Your friend over there made it hard to save Shade..."
*The Weavile stops glowing*
Weavile: "WHAT?! Why did it stop?!"
Zangoose: "Maybe you need all of them to be able to get the powers.."
Weavile: "That could be true...but I cant go out while that Grovyle is out there, he will defenetly take my powers away.."
Zangoose: "Ill go"
Weavile: "Good..maybe you should go get Silver"
*The Zangoose nods and dissapears*
(*Sigh* I gtg to soccer practice...later!)
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