Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Before Shade can slash the Weavile the Zangoose grabs him and take his sword*
Weavile: "Good. Now we get that other Eevee out of the cave."
*The Zangoose growls and hits him HARD on the head, knocking him out*
*They appreach the base*
Silver: "SHADE! JADE!"
*She is about to rush out to them but does not, remembering what Shade said*
Weavile: "If you dont come out we will kill them!"
*Silver flinches but does not move*
Silver: "NO!"
*The Weavile smirks*
Weavile: "Then come with us and we will not hurt them"
*Silver comes out slowly*
Weavile: "Good now follow me"
*The Weavile and Zangoose walk away and Silver slowly follows. They reach a small portal*
Weavile: "Go in"
*Silver reluctantly goes in and the Weavile and Zangoose follow*
*The are in Giratina's dimention*
*The Weavile flashes Silver a glare after what Shade said*
Weavile: "You do, he dies."
*Silver follows without saying anything*
Silver: "But i cant leave you and Jade!"
*The Zangoose drops Shade and lets out a yowl of fury and starts slashing at Shade with his claws*
(haha Shade's not happy)
*Grabs Jade. Puts her on his back. Takes Silver's paw and makes a break for the portal.*
*The portal suddenly dissipears and Giratina appears*
Giratina: "You are all stuck here now"
*The Weavile and Zangoose lunge at Shade, Jade, and Silver and the Weavile grabs Silver while the Zangoose trys to get Shade*
*The Weavile gets hit and Giratina lets out a raor*
Giratina: "GET HIM ALREADY!"
*A whip appears in the Weaviles hand and he whipes it at Shade. It goes around his neck and it forms into a collor*
*When Shade tries to struggle he feels pain*
Silver: "NO!"
*She and Jade jumps at the Weavile but her does the same with them*
Weavile: "Good. Now we get that eevees powers. Follow me"
*The Weavile starts walking away and they are forced to follow*
*The Weavile falls to the ground in pain. Giratina dissapeard then everything turns black*
Giratina: "Do you forget this is my world! I control everything here!"
*The Weavile gets up black and whispy and is unhurt. He smirks at Shade and Shade starts feeling pain as though he is dieing*
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