Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Griffan struggles to get up but the weight of the Sandslash's armour held it down.*
G-"What? Who are you!"
AShade-"I'll tell you why you're supposed to be!"
*AShade leaped at the Zangoose swinging his dagger.*
*The Zangoose ducks to AShade flys over him and as AShade it flying over him he slashes AShade on the belly*
*The Sandslash does not answar and he starts slashing at Griffin*
*Griffan grabs both of the Sandslash's claws.*
G-"Get off me!"
*AShade wounds heal together.*
"Did you forget who I was?..."
*AShade grabs the Zangoose and starts choking him.*
(brb dinner.)
*The Znagoose grins*
Zangoose: "Do you forget whos powers I have!"
*As soon as AShade touches him AShade feels incredible pain*
*The Sandslash sends a Shadow Ball at Griffin*
*The Shadow ball hits Griffan dead on and he's blown back.*
*AShade shuddered at the pain but quickly got back to his feet.*
*AShade uses his dagger and deflects the blast away.*
"Stop. Tell me, has Giratina granted me the pleasure of killing my counterpart?"
(Shade, Jade, and Silver are in Garitinas dimention and the Zangoose is fighting AShade there also. A Sandslash is attacking Griffin also but first I want Zig to come on before I go on with Griffins plot cuz it will effect all of us)
*The Zangoose sees how much AShade wants to kill Shade*
Zangoose: "As soon as were are done with him he is all yours...what makes you want to kill him so bad?"
*AShade nods in respect.*
*AShade turns to face Shade.*
"Good? The way I see it, there is no good and evil in this world... because even the most heroic people.... always end up "evil"..."
"Giratinas dimention. You are about to join your sibblings."
*He keeps walkng while dragging Griffin along with him*
(I gtg for about an hour...later!)
*The Sandslash ignores him and they arive at a building. The Sandslash drags Griffin in and throws him into a cage with Jade, Silver, Shade, and now griffin*
(We have to wait for Zigg now because this is a big plot that involves all of us)
(Yeah guess. But do you know what happened to TSL? She sort of dissappeared. I mean she hasn't even checked her shop.)

Oh, and SS!, check the truly elite clan. You need to grade 2 people.
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