Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Collapses. Then, pushing through the pain, leaps at Weavile, glowing white. Makes a Light Blade that glows blue.*
*Stabs him through the heart. Pure Light Energy courses through Weavile, making it so that Giratina can't heal him. Growls at Giratina.*
"Your turn..."
*Leaps at him.*
(Yes, I know he lost his powers. Go with it :p)
*The Weavile falls to the ground, dead.The Garitina howls in rage. The Zangoose jumps at Silver and holds a sword to her neck. He yells at Shade*
Zangoose: "Then dont give us any problems."
*He continues to put his blade to Silvers neck while he walks towards the building*
(Dont give him any trouble! Lol i WANT Giratina to make it to their world and they can kill him there :p)
(Guys, I won't be on much today. My friend Darien is picking me up straight from school and I'm staying the night. I might come on my phone a bit, but most likely not. I'll be home about 3:00 PM tomorrow!!)
Name: Kira

Age: 14

Eeveelution: Espeon

Description: Kira's parents left her when she was younger, but she was so young she doesn't remember anything about them. Except for the melody that they would play to put her to sleep. She remembered going to bed one night, the next night their house was destroyed, parents gone, and all that was left was a melody box and a note to Kira with a last request. (The Melody Box plays the aforementioned melody) She doesn't even know what happened to her parents or where they went, so ever since she has traveled the land to fulfill the final request given to her. Her behaviour is rather odd, and she can be every mood under the sun, from one minute to the next. However she is very determined to do what her parents asked her. She is also very smart.

Appearance: The jewel on her head is Blue instead of Red., Her Psychic Abilities are much more powerful than a normal Espeon. Her right paw has a strange marking on it that enhances Psychic Power further when she uses it. But once she does she becomes very exhausted.

(I know I've joined a lot. With a lot of different characters. But it seems if I leave for 2 days due to being busy you can't get back in the RP. =S)

Edit: And who is AShade? We have three Shades now. xD

"Dead! Ha! Why would I be dead! And you have no right to be here!"
*A Sandslash jumps out and Griffin and tackles him to the ground*
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