Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Now we need SS! Oh and join the truly elite clan Zigg. *pokstory.*)
*Griffan winces from the pain of his arm.*
"Shade? What is this place?..."
(Ok. Guys? I know I've been inactive, but we can't let the Eeveelution RPG die. We've all put in too much effort and gotten too attached to our characters to let it end like this. So come on. Find that spark that drove us to post 24/7 back in the good old days, and let's make this the #1 Thread on Pokebeach. ARE YOU WITH ME?)
(But.. who's gonna control Giratina?...)
*AShade stared at Shade.*
AShade-"It's no use kid..."
*Griffin looks at Shade then AShade.*
"Sahde... why does that guy look just like you?"
Shade: "Not now, Griffin..."
*Keeps slamming against that one bar. Slams into it so hard, his shoulder breaks. Ignores the pain and keeps slamming against it.*
*Slams into it one more time. The bar flies off and hits AShade in the head. Leaps out and grabs a sword. Launches himself at AShade.*
*The bar hits AShade and he's stunned just enough for Shade to slash him across the face.*
*AShade is seething with anger and takes out his dagger.*
G-"Shade! We have to get out of here!"
"You go ahead, Griffin! Get your sister's out! I'll hold them off!"
*Kicks the dagger out of AShade's paw.*
"Not this time, buddy."
*Plunges the blade into AShade's side, breaking 3 ribs.*
*AShade winces at the pain but manages to grab the dagger again and and plunge it into his chest and ran it up Shade's body.*
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