Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Screams in pain. Kicks AShade away, bleeding heavily. Teleports behind him and stabs him in the base of the spine. Runs the sword along AShade's spinal column.*
*Finishes cutting AShade's spine in half. Charges up a Focus Punch.*
"Time to die."
*Listens to AShade's heartbeat. Focus Punches his heart at the exact moment it beats, causing it to stop. Walks away.*
*Silver and Jade start to run away also*
Zangoose: "No you dont!"
*He grabs Griffin and Silver and throws them into the cage. The cage starts to glow and so does Griffin and Silver. Silver lets out a yelp out pain as her powers are drained*
(Sorry I was gone guys. I only have 3 hours a day on the computer now a days.... =( )
G-"Silver! Hang on-"
*Griffin collapses to the ground from exhaustion.*
*Giratina appears. He is glowing like Silver and Griffin*
Giratina: "Why should I? You have quit so why should I help you!"
*He glares at AShade*
"Quit?... I could hardly agree master.... I was built to hunt Shade. And that's what I was doing..."
(Really, don't let him die.)
*Jade looks around also*
Jade: "Silver is not here, Where is she?!"
*The gash on AShade dissapears and he is healed*
*Emix and Hidj have been wandering the countryside for quite some time now, on their own. They are walking through an old cave, where their family used to live, with cave paintings of the Eeveelutions. Hidj points out an Umbreon to Emix*
"I wonder what became of our ol' buddy Shade..."
*Emix is startled at this*
*O-Shade is sitting on a cliff, staring into the sun.*
"... Emix... Where are you...?"
*Shakes his head.*
"I'm tired of not knowing... It's time I found her... No matter how much it hurts to use my powers..."
*Closes his eyes and tries to track Emix. Winces in pain. Red lightning sparks through his fur, originating from a large black scar on his back.*
"Got to... Ignore... The pain..."
*Keeps trying to track her.*
*Emix jumps and Hidj is alarmed*
Hidj: "Emix... what-"
Emix: "I'm feeling something. Something that has something to do with... Shade."
Hidj: "Shade, or the stupid 'OShade' you fell in love with?"
Emix: "OShade, and he's not stupid."
Hidj: "Whatever."
*Emix uses all of her concentration to let OShade find her*
*Locks onto her position.*
"Th.. There..."
*Teleports to Emix, red sparks coursing through his fur. Smiles weakly.*
"E... Emix... It's really... You..."
*Collapses, unconscious.*
Emix: "Hidj! We've got to help him!"
*Hidj is lost in thought*
*Emix concentrates. A dim light fills the cave, and OShade is brought back to consciousness*
*Emix sighs with relief*
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