Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Ah, sorry I haven't posted in forever guys. I've been way busy with school and such(And Bleach, lol). I even had to close my shops;_; What was the plot again? Sarah/Shannon became one soul, right?)
*Shade closes his eyes.*
"I don't have my powers anymore... I'm completely powerless... I'm... I'm useless..."

*O-Shade's eyes widen. Red lightning pours out of his scar. He screams in pain. Falls to the ground, writhing in pain.*

(Yep! Glad to see you, TSL!)
(Huh? Well all I know is that Griffin was captured with Shade in a cage in the Lost World, oh and there's a new AShade. (AntiShade.) )

*Griffn takes a step back in shock.*
"Oh my gosh.... Shade...."
"No. Even without your powers we need to find a way out of here!"
E: "NO!"
*Hidj jumps at the shout and turns around. Hating to see even a twin of his friend in pain, he uses ice beam on the wound, blocking the red lightning*
E: "Hidj... thank you..."
H: " was the best I could do."
*OShade isn't moving, or breathing.*

*Shade shakes his head.*
"I can't do anything, Griffin... I'm nothing without my powers..."
*Is about to try and get Shade to help but then gives up.*
"Whatever. The truth is now you're just like the rest of us. And frankly, that ain't so bad."
*Griffin takes out a small rock shaped like a dagger and tries to saw through the prison bars.*
*Emix stands up. Her legs are like jello. Tears are flowing down her eyes fast as rivers.*
E: "No.. it can't be... he's not dead! It can't..."
*Hidj turns to Emix and cries silently for his sister's loss*
(I'm almost crying right now, for real.)
*Finally Griffin makes a small slit in it and manages to slide through it.*
"Should I tell Shade?... No, he has to do this for himself...."
*Griffin takes off running in search for Bella.*
(If TSL's still on that is.)
*Watches Griffin escape. Thinks about escaping as well.*
"... No. Even if I did, I'd just get myself killed..."
(Yeah yeah, still on. Watching Bleach and drawing a contest entry, so my mind is in three places xD)
Bella is sitting near a berry bush, chewing on a berry.
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