Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Wow.... still busy.)
*Griffin, still scraped and bruised spotted Bella.*

Ziggoratt999 said:
*His body completely fades away. They can see something shimmering right next to them.*

Wow.... this would be soooo touching if it not for the amount of times parts of shade has died.
(Yep, and still got some schoolwork that I'm saving for tomorrow=/)
Bella jumps and looks at Griffin in surprise.
"Griffin! What happened?! Are you ok?!" Winces in pain at a cuy running down her side.
(Same. =( )
"Yeah, I'm fine. But you, we need to help you first. Here sit down and I'll get some things to help treat that (cuy.) cut of yours."
(Lol, yay, I finished my drawing. PS:It's Bleach...Man, I'm Bleach crazy now...)
"No no, I'm fine. The cut is alreay healing a bit. You need more help then me."
Shannon/Sarah blinked open her eyes.
"Hey Garret..."

"You can help help me when I'm done with you." She starts working on his wounds.
"Now what about your siblings?"
*Garret smiles and nuzzles her.*

*A ball of light is floating next to Emix. It changes form into an Umbreon. OShade's ghost smiles sadly.*
*Hidj takes out a pocket knife and begins carving something into the wall*
*Emix walks over*
"What's that?"
*Hidj steps aside after he is finished to reveal a very lifelike picture of Shade dying*
"Hidj.. that's cruel..."
"No, it's history."
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