Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Hmmm I suppose I could use AShade Zigg.)
*AShade laughed to himself.*
"I can't believe it. The Great Shade has finally given up...."
Name: Leaf
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 25
Eeveelution: Shiny Leafeon
Description: Leaf was stuck in a forest fire when he was younger. Leaf lived in a forest in a cold country and soon became friends with a Shiny Glaceon called Glace.
Appearance: (If your eeveelution looks different than normal, put it here. Scars, markings, clothing, weaponry, etc.) Has a scar from when he was stuck in a forest fire. His leaves are always fresh.

Can I please join?

EDIT: 899th page and post 13320!
*Hidj's eyes narrow and he drives the knife into the Houndour, which will probably have no effect =P*
(Incorrect, gpm, it's page 267 and post #13321. =P)
(Houndoom is a spirit. they cant touch him)
*Shade ignores AShade's remark.*
"You wanna kill me so bad? Be my guest."
"Do you want to know what his dying thoughts were? Who he was thinking of when he perished?"
*Evil grin*
"It wasn't you... It was a girl he once loved named SpottedTalon..."
*Emix turns around. Her eyebrows are narrowed, and the portions of her pupils that can be seen are yellow. Her teeth are bared, and they have turned into fangs, and the fur on her back springs into sharp spikes.*
"Don't... you... dare!"
"Um... hello" says Leaf as he suddenly trots behind Emix. "What's all this? I thought I saw some fighting going on here..." Leaf trots up the path. "Could you please tell me your names? I'm Leaf" he says unsurely, not trusting anybody on the whole scene.

(Ziggoratt99, could you please put the whole list of characters on your first post in this thread?)
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