Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Yeah. Characters in Emix/Hidj's area:
OShade's ghost
Possibly the warden)
*Emix looks at Leaf oddly*
E: "Um, what?"
H: "I'll handle this."
*Hidj jumps in front of leaf's face*
"No one ever tells Leaf to be quiet!" thunders Leaf in a loud voice. "But the ball of darkness seems strange. May I touch it?" says Leaf in a calmer voice.
"An... orb... the Warden... gawd... I was so... stupid..."
*Continues to sob into his fur*
*Hidj walks over*
H: "I'll explain. You see, after you, well, died, a Houndoom came in. He was really... er... invincible, or it seemed. He claimed he was known as 'The Warden'. Know anything about him?"
"Well, Emix got rid of him, and when he left, there was an orb full of darkness... it went into you, and you were revived. Then it went back out, then disappeared."
"Did it look like this?"
*Holds his paws out. An orb identical to the one that went into Shade appears in his paws.*
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