Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Well, she told me to join this so I did.)

Name: Cacey
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 15
Eeveelution: Espeon
Description: She grew up with just her mother, who taught her everything she knows, but her mother passed on after a tragic flood. She has lived on her wits ever since.
Appearance: Has a blue pendant gem on her forehead instead of the normal pink, and has blue eyes.
(im waiting 4 Seth)
*OShade smiles.*
"Don't worry, I'm here... And I'll never leave you..."
???: "Aww, how touching... I may vomit..."
*Garret is asleep at the base.*

*OShade whirls around to face the Warden.*
"Is it physically possible for you to STAY OUT OF MY LIFE?!"
*The Warden shakes his head.*
Warden: "No. I have a job to do."
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