Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Warden: "I'm sorry, my dear, but the Vanguard himself ordered me to take him to Altair-4. Do you remember Altair-4, Shade?"
*OShade has a terrified expression as he remembers it.*
*He dodges, grabs her, and holds a jagged knife to her throat.*
Warden: "Now, Shade, I'll give you a choice. Come quietly, or she loses her head."
*OShade gets into a battle stance. The Warden holds the blade closer to Emix's throat, drawing a little blood. Tears form in OShade's eyes.*
OShade: "... I'll go. Just don't hurt her..."
*Shadowy handcuffs appear on OShade.*
Warden: "Good..."
Warden: "Hehe even better..."
OShade: "NO!!!"
*Shadowy handcuffs appear on Emix. Tears streak down OShade's face.*
OShade: "Emix... Why...?"
"I need to be with you... I can't live without you. If they took you away, I would probably"
*Starts sobbing, can barely choke out the next words*
"Kill myself."
*Closes his eyes.*
"... Death is more merciful than Altair..."
*The Warden opens a portal and drags them through. They're on an island that's floating in space. The sky is a dark purple, and there is no sun. There's no sign of plants, or anything... Except a giant tower that's flooded with guards. The Warden grins.*
Warden: "Welcome to your new home... And Shade, don't even think about escaping this time. The security has been tripled... You have no way out..."
*Leads them into a cell. Chains OShade to the wall and locks the door. Emix's handcuffs disappear.*
Warden: "Get comfortable. You're going to be here for a long time..."
*The demented Houndoom vanishes.*
OShade: "... You're right... It is... And I'm so sorry..."
*Tears streak down his face and fall to the floor.*
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