Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Marrisa jumps through the bushes, several leaves of a strange tree in her mouth. She lets go of them, letting them drop to the ground. She places a paw on Shade's chest.
"Good, his spirit hasn't left yet."
*The feeling doesn't go away.*

*OShade's spirit hovers right next to Emix.*
*He sobs in frustration.*
"Why can't she see me? Emix, please, don't cry... I'm right here..."
*Tries to wipe away her tear, but only succeeds in sending another shiver down her spine.*
"There is. I had the technique perfected for my lover, but he was too far gone."
Marrisa took off her necklace.
"Step back. I don't need other lives around to complicate the spell."
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