Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Good Arceus, this better work.
Marrisa mutters an incantation, the sky clearing of clouds by getting cold. A large seal appeared, covering the whole crater. The design was so intricate, almost impossible to trace on a sheet of paper if asked.
Marrisa strengthens the seal, the necklace glowing brightly now.
Am I going to drain ALL of my stored energy for this?!
... do I? What else could I do anyway?
Marrisa growls and roars, the seal shining one last time. The necklace, suddenly cracked from the outpour of energy, emptying out the last bits of its power.
(Again? How long are lives in this game?)
*Bane slowly wakes up from his unconciousness and sees Shade.*
"What happened?"
*Bane quickly ran over to the glowing body.*
"Aw man, I've already seen this fella go away once, not again, not again!"
*A pulse begins to start up again. He starts breathing, but doesn't wake up. A few feet away, OShade reappears.*
OShade: ".. Huh...? Where am I...?"
Marrisa sighs, her paw gripping the left side of her chest.
"It... it worked... it actually worked..."
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