Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(OShade is alive again, and he brought Marissa to the land of the dead to find her love)

(Oh, and it appears that normal Shade is in a coma of sorts)
*Bane patiently started to wait for he feared to go back to the land of the dead from where he came.*
(The whole Chaos and underworld thing.)
"Man OShade, you better get out alright...."
*Solaria walks through the forest and sees Bane.*
"... Who are you, and why are you three feet away from my baby brother?"
*Bane turns to see Solaria.*
"Uhh I'm Bane. And I was waiting for my friend OShade to come back. And I figured I might as well also wait for, I think this is Shade..., to become concious again."
"Why weren't you with Shade before? I mean now, and back when I first met him? Aren't siblings supposed to watch out for each other?"
"Apparently right there."
*Bane uncaps the water bottle and tosses the cold water onto Shade.*
"If this doesn't work I have a backup plan but..."
"Well, this might hurt a bit but..."
*Bane used a thundershock on Shade with the water intesifying the power.*
"Hope I didn't shock him too bad..."
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