Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Don't know how long I can post in the RPG, but I'll make sure it at least stays alive. ;D
BTW Haley, I haven't been ignoring you, and I haven't forgot but our scanner broke and I don't have a camera phone to take a pic of it. And if you talk to anyone that talks to me ALOT life has been suckish and busy.;o;
Anyways, lets get this RPG on a roll. :F)

(All right. Let's do this. ^^. RECAP: Shade and OShade were going through a forest, where they met up with Marissa. OShade soon learned that Marissa's love, a Flygon named Koji, is dead, and he offered to bring him back, which he is currently attempting to do. Meanwhile, Shade went into a coma after coming back to life, and is in said coma right now.)
(ARGH! *Beats head on desk* I really can't get into this RPG again. I can try to get back in, with a new person)
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
(ARGH! *Beats head on desk* I really can't get into this RPG again. I can try to get back in, with a new person)

Heh, same here Sam. XD​
(Kay', here's the new character)

Name: Hyourinmaru
Age: 15
Eeveelution: Glaceon
Description: A Glaceon you fools, what else? Uhh, seirous a little I guess, but can get playful. Scrach that, more playful
Apearence: Fur slightly lighter then a normel Glaceon's, but not to the point that he is a Shiny Glaceon. There is a birthmark-like chinese dragon around his left front paw in darker fur.

*Hyourinmaru paced along the forest path and kicked a acorn.*

(Man, I suck at entry lines too XP)
(Licked an acorn? Eh. Instead of creating a new character I'll just use Emerald.)
*Emerald was wandering the forest like usual. Looking for a nice place to relax and saw (Can I just call him Hyo?).*
E-"Hey, what'cha doin there?"
~*~Haineko slowly follows behind him trying not observing the surrounding area.~*~

"Do you even know where we are going?"

~*~She looked at him as he messed around with the acorn. It's obvious that they were just wandering around the forest confused and lost.~*~
*Hyourinmaru moved the acorn around between his paws. He looks up*

"No idea. Do need to take a left at that tree or that tree?"

*Hyourinmaru points around at random trees.*
(huh... can't really do this w/o Zig. Or maybe...)

*Hidj wanders off and walks along the forest trail to find Emerald, Haineko, and Hyourinmaru*
Hidj: "Who are you guys and what are you doing here?"
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