Finished Eeveelution RPG

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~*~She looked at him with a despite face~*~
"Don't try to be funny, we are lost in this god forsaken forest."

~*~ She slapped the acorn away from his paw and it rolled into a puddle, and she notices Emerald~*~
(Lol, she is a Espeon. In reference of purple font)


~*~She blankly stares at Emerald and then looks at Hyourin~*~

"My name is Haineko"
~*~She points at Hyourin and introduces him~*~

"That's Rin-Chan, he is sort of on the confused side. Do you happen to know where we are?"

~*~She looks at Emerald and Hidj.~*~

"We are obviously lost, we aren't from here.."

(I'll take him Sam, cya)
(Oh yes I did, points 4 post up. I'll say it again though. u.u)

"Haineko, is my name... got it memorized." ;D

~*~ She winks and then returns to what she was saying~*~

"I really don't know, we just started traveling from the a while back and this forest ended up being one of our destinations."
(See it now. Sorry.)
Emerald-"Nice to meet ya. Well then you certainly reached your destination, got lost in it too."
"It seems like Emerald knows the way around this forest pretty well. Lead the way, Emerald."
(Okay, as to not get confused, who's a he and who's a she?)
"Out of here. Hold on a second."
*He draws in a deep breath*
*Emix comes running to them with Shade, who is still in the coma, on her back.*
~*~Haineko shrugs and Hyourinmaru looks at her confused~*~

"I just want to get out of this forest, , anfind something decent to eat, and find some sort of civilization."

Name: Aira (Long A sound, and /ru/ as in Russia)
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 14
Eeveelution: Espeon
Description: Aira has always been a tad bit more mysterious than other Pokemon. Know one knows where she came from, nor who her parents are. She will almost never gives any information about herself, but when she does almost no one can decipher what she means. But at other times what she says is blatantly obvious. Some says because she has Dark Powers like she does, that she may be a Descendant of Tera (If anyone remembers her, lol). But others say that she's a regular Espeon with strong powers. She can use her DPP (Dark Psychic Powers,) to do many things. And no one knows what all she can do even on top of all of that...
Appearance: (If your eeveelution looks different than normal, put it here. Scars, markings, clothing, weaponry, etc.) She is very attractive, and is a lighter Pink than normal. Which is just the icing on the cake on top of her looks... Nothing else is different really...

(Sorry for being so late. Yeah I know, this character's kind of like a lot of old Characters jumbled together. But I miss the old characters. D=)
(We all do, SotS... We all do... You haz an acceptance. Welcome back, guys. ^^)
*Garret is sitting in a tree, approximately 357 miles away.*
"... Shannon... I can't believe I was too weak to save you..."
(Sorry to leave right when I'm accepted. But It's like... almost 3AM here. Sorry, bed-time. Don't do anything TO big without me please. ;D)
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