Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Name: Tempral
Age: 19
Eeveelution: Leafeon
Description: Tempral was cursed by the Ruler of Time, Dialga, a long time ago, because he was framed by a jealous rival and thought to be wicked. This curse makes him an extraordinarily powerful being, but it also significantly shortens his lifespan. He has researched into finding a way to cure himself of this curse, and has come to the conclusion that there is a way... he just doesn't know it yet. Although his age is no older than 19, he feels incredibly weak all the time. He will wander the Earth trying to find a way to cure the curse; his days are numbered, and his life could come to an end.
Appearance: Unlike most Leafeon, his coloring is a depressing brown, a symbol of his rapid aging. He is incredibly thin and the outline of his bones is visible. He has extraordinary powers involving the manipulation of the Temporal dimension, allowing him to sometimes distort time. This power is currently not under his control, but he is trying to find a way to do so.

Also, I need to get involved in the story. I will provide the character, Zig, and you will provide me a way into the story. ;)
In the same forest, a brown-colored Leafeon is wandering. As soon as Garret and this Pokemon's eyes meet, the Leafeon faints from exhaustion.
The brown-colored Eeveelution opens his eyes.
"Thank you," he thanks Garret.
"My name is Tempral," he continued, "I have been cursed, and I haven't eaten for a month. I will find a cure for my curse one day, no matter the cost; but it is wearing me down even now..." he began to wheeze uncontrollably.
"You must allow me to pay you back somehow for saving me..."
*Garret's gaze never wavers from the moon.*
"When the world was created, it was barren and lifeless. Not a single soul lived here, and not a single soul wanted to. Finally, after a millennium of lifelessness, a star descended from the heavens and crashed down to our world. Inside that star was the very first Vanguard of Life. He looked upon our world, and, seeing how he could benefit it, used his amazing powers over the lifestream to give the world life. He brought the very first people and pokemon to our world, and the very first trees and flowers... He filled empty chasms with the ocean, and filled every corner of the globe with life. He then became our sun, so he could keep watch over us and keep the balance of the lifestream in check. Life went on. Not a single person or pokemon ever died, for how could they? They had an ever-shining piece of the lifestream in their sky, day and night. Finally, word came round to the Vanguard of Life's sister, the Vanguard of Death... She became jealous of his success and plotted against the new world he had brought to life. Finally, after decades of plotting, she came to our world. She cast a spell on each and every inhabitant of Earth, and they all fell, one after another, dead. The Vanguard of Life was devastated. All the work he had put into the world, wasted. However, he found that while she had killed his subjects, there was one who still had an amazing power within her, unlike anything he had ever seen. He looked into her power, and found that it was something he had never experienced or even thought of before: Love. So, he took that girl's love and created the moon. The moon countered the Vanguard of Death's spell, to an extent. Each and every being that was killed was brought back to life, but now, instead of living on immortally, they had a time limit upon which they walked this earth. They could now die. The moon filled us with life, showed us love, and grew larger and stronger with each and every being that learned to love..."
*Closes his eyes.*
"That is why I stare at the moon. It is because, while the woman I love is dead, our love lives on in that glowing sphere in the sky... It lives on within the moon..."
"That is an amazing story!", Tempral exclaimed, "and I do not doubt its truth."
"I have accepted death, for I realize I soon will join its cold embrace".
*Finally looks at him.*
"Why are you so sure?"

(Before you ask, yes I came up with that story on my own. I'm rather proud of it ^^)

(I g2g. i'll be back in a few hours)
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