Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(It's Hidj, not Hidji.)
*Hidj grabs the block of ice and pops it into his mouth, then swallows it immediately and starts choking. Emix runs over and starts squeezing him*
*Emix manages to get Hidj to cough up the ice cube. Hidj is more annoyed than ever now.*
"That didn't work? Well, there's only one thing to do now..."
*He uses Surf to send a giant wave at Bane, Emerald, and Garrett.*
*Bane sighed.*

B-"I guess I should explain... After Emerald found my dead body, I found myself in the underworld. For some reason Veran and I was sent out of it. (Chaos.) I went in search to stop him again. That's when these people named the Vemu attacked me. They were going to sacrafice me to their god, who lives inside a stone. Someone stole the stone just before I was killed. Eventually they trusted me enough to allow me to escape. Then I came in search of Shade. The theif who stole it looked almost exactly like Shade!"
E-"Shade? But it can't be."
(It isn't.)
Bane-"I didn't believe it either. But it looked exactly like Shade. And the only person I know who even resembles Shade is Veran, and I prayed he didn't steal it, but then I eventually found his dead body floating in a river, without the stone."
*Hyourinmaru shoots up and starts to walk away.*

"Ok, I give up with you people."

(Someone stop him please)
Twilight ShayminLvr said:
*Hyourinmaru shoots up and starts to walk away.*

"Ok, I give up with you people."

(Someone stop him please)

*Emix grabs him and pulls him back*
"Wait until they finish. Maybe then they'll explain."
*She looks up at the others*
"I heard you talking about Shade."
*She walks up to them and carefully sets Shade down in front of Garrett*
"He's in your hands now."
E-"You two sort this out."
*Emerald turns and runs after Hyo.*
"Hey, wait up."

*Bane eyes him up.*
B-"Could the stone have done this?..."
E-"Just wait. Once we clear everything up we'll explain."
B-"Yes... but what could have caused this coma otherwise? And whoelse could have taken it? If not Shade then maybe OShade?"
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