Finished Eeveelution RPG

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B-"Well no duh. Because you are part of Shade. Who wouldn't trust himself? But then how could someone pull of his appearence? And powers?"
(Are we ever going to do your KH role play again?)
*Hyourinmaru starts to wag his tail back and forth, bored. He sighed and the tempeture in the room dropped a few degrees.*
Bane-"Was it you?.... I mean, if Veran, Shade, and OShade didn't do it? You're the last one right?"
(It wasn't him Zigg.)
"ARGH! Ok, so it wan't him or him nor him! We don't know who the heck it is so can someone just explain to me what is going on?!"
B-"Right. I'm sorry, it just slipped out. But, come on. is there like another one of Shade?"
(TSL: If you're bored and waiting work on Cold Blooded. Zigg: There is. I never really got to use him though. Can you remember?)
B-"Then I guess I should continue on. It might be best if Emerald stayed away. So she could stay safe. Hey, Garret, your powers might come in handy against the Vedu.... would you consider coming with me?"
*Garret nods.*
"Sure. One second..."
*Walks out to the forest. Unleashes a torrent of temporal energy, aging the forest a LOT. The runes vanish.*
"That's better."
*Bane looked out at the devastated forest.*
B-"Uh.... sure. C'mon, before Emerald notices what you did. She's going to go berserk."
*Bane quickly starts making his way through the forest.*
*Bane glances back.*
B-"Don't worry. she was never a very good tracker. We're in the clear."
*Emerald starts to see a small trail amongst the trees.*
E-"You won't get away from me Bane..."
*Emerald starts to follow the trail.*
(BTW guys. check out the newest chappie for my fanfic in the Writing Corner.)
*Lets out a massive explosion of temporal energy, visible for miles around. All the trees around whither up and die of age.*
(brb, din din)

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