Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Great, sent here to rid of him. And he rids of me... Ironic.
*Aira grinned*
"Why would I tell you? Just let me die here and now. Why tell you info you don't need to know, when I can just die now? It'll happen someday anyways."
*Aira turned back into her own form and started gasping for air*
*Drops her, then pins her down.*
"I would, but I need information. If you won't give it to me, I'll find out for myself."
*Presses his forehead to hers. She can't move at all. He searches through her memories, causing her immense pain.*

*Garret saw Aira walking through a forest, suddenly her ears perked up. She turned her head to see Shade open up the portal for Marissa. She started to walk towards him being as stealthy as possible. Right before the portal closed she hopped in. He could see her walking through the land when she saw a hooded-pokemon (lol, it's like Bane. xD). The pokemon called Aira, of course her being curious like she is, walked closer. Aira asked the hooded-pokemon who she was. The pokemon never gave her name, but told Aira to find an Umbreon named Shade, and kill him. She then gave Aira a stone of power. When Aira touched it Dark Power surrounded her, and she began to lighten. The Pokemon told her that the power would only stay as long as Aira follwed her commands. She told her to not give ANY information about herself. The Pokemon then told Aira to walk into a portal that she was about to make. But Aira asked the Pokemon again who she was, and she told her "I'm your Ancestor... One who Shade killed. Now he must pay dearly for ot allowing me to see you, alive." When Aira asked her again what her name was, The Pokemon shoved her into the portal she just made. This portal lead back to the normal world.*

*Aira started screaming in pain*

(Tera BTW.)
*Garret takes three full steps back, fear in his eyes.*
"Oh god... Tera..."
*Shakes his head.*
"No... I unmade her... She shouldn't be in the afterlife at all..."
*Aira started to breath heavily*
"Like I've said before, you can't do anything to a Shadow. But the shadow CAN do things to you. And we all know that."
*Aira made a dark blade* (A Darker version of a shadow blade)
"Whoever I hit with this blade... Will have darkness give it's power to them... Let's give you a little swing shall we!"
*Aira jumped at Garret with the blade in her paws, ready to swing*
*Garret sighs and creates a Light Blade. He blocks.*
"And this blade does the opposite."
*Plunges it into Aira, sapping the darkness from her.*
NOOOOO! All my power! Now I'll be worthless!
*Aira started to look dizzy, then fell to the ground*
"P-p-please don't take it all. I was about to die, if I didn't get more power... And you're about to take all I have..."
*She started to cough and wheeze*

(She's kind of like the being of Darkness now.)

Edit: Added that last bit
*Garret holds her in his arms.*
"I can help you..."
*He gives her some darkness, but only enough to sustain her and give her slight powers, not enough to turn her evil.*
I was just trying to kill him, and now he's HELPING ME?!
*Aira looked at Garret wit a face of disgust*
"I never turned evil you idiot! The path I chose to take was the bad path, that's all!"
*Aira sliced Garret's Light Sword in half releasing the darkness again. All of it flew back to Aira*
"Now BACK OFF, before I get your precious brother!"
*Garret sighs.*
"Listen to me. It's never too late to choose the path of good, Aira... I don't want to hurt you..."
*He puts a protective Light barrier around Shade.*
"But you're going to have to get through me first. Now, listen to me. I know that you never turned evil, you just chose your path. So you're wondering why I brought you back. It's because I trust that you're not all bad..."
What's with this guy, and how does he know my name?!
"Why would I change my path?! I got this far on it for what? NOTHING! The one time I actually got close to doing something I needed to do, you block me off! Now I know that you're an idiot, but who's so dumb that they change paths?!... And where did you learn my name?!"
*She gave a small a grin but tried to hide it*
"Want me to get through you? Then bring it on! You can't get rid of a shadow... I thought I've said it enough to get it into your tiny little brain. But it looks like you STILL don't get it!"
*She gave a small nod, telling Garret to bring it on.*
(Forget it. Seth isn't going to post, and I don't want to do Koji. Shall we rewind on that?)
(Sure. OShade is comforting Marissa. Got it ^^)
*OShade pats Marissa's back.*
"I know how it feels to lose someone close to you... It's happened to me many times..."
Marrisa didn't react to the patting, but sighed to the words.
"But you had many others to help you through it... did you not?"
*Aira stepped closer to Garret*
"I see you're not going to move. I guess I'll have to do it by FORCE!"
*She darkened quickly and made a Dark Sonic-Boom which slammed Garret into the forcefield*
"MOVE IT I TELL YOU! Get out of my way!"
*Shakes his head.*
"No... Quite the contrary..."
*Stares at the ground.*
"When I lost my parents to a forest fire... It was my fault. It was unintentional, and completely accidental, but it was still my fault. I angered an Arcanine, and it set fire to our house... My parents, the woman I loved, and each and every one of my friends died... The only person I had left was my older sister, Solaria, and she didn't comfort me: She kept reminding me that it was my fault. Every day, she glared at me with such hatred..."
*Shakes his head.*

SotS said:
*Aira stepped closer to Garret*
"I see you're not going to move. I guess I'll have to do it by FORCE!"
*She darkened quickly and made a Dark Sonic-Boom which slammed Garret into the forcefield*
"MOVE IT I TELL YOU! Get out of my way!"

*Garret gets up and shakes his fur, as if it were nothing.*
"I won't. Listen to me, Aira. Your path is your choice. I'm not going to try to divert you from it, for it is who you are. However, it is possible to change that path. Shade, OShade, many of my friends, even I, changed our paths from evil to good, and found a much easier existence. If you truly wish to destroy me, I will not stop you: That is your choice. However, make sure that you're choosing your path, and not having it chosen for you."
*Falls silent and stands there, not afraid in the least of his impending death.*
"I have suffered enough pain to last a thousand lifetimes. Should you choose to kill me, it will be a blessing, a relief from my pain."
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