Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*The black Cyclone fades away. Chaos floats there, glaring at Veran.*
Garret+Chaos: "This time, you're staying dead! NECROSTRIKE!!!"
*A massive black blast fires from Chaos's paw, sending Veran flying. Burns cover Veran, burns that cannot be healed, even by the most powerful of beings. Veran feels his energy being drained by the attack's residual effects.*
*Veran winces at the pain and manages to slowly move out of the beam.*
"So... much.... power."
*Veran takes out his stone and throws it at Chaos.*
*Chaos feels an enourmous amount of pain and all of his body parts going numb.*
Marrisa flicked her wrist and an huge icicle appeared from the ground at her command, deflecting the knife.
"I normally fight easily. Don't push me..."
She growls, narrowing her eyes.
"Cause when I'm over the edge, I can no longer rein myself back in..."
She scoffs, her eyes looking over Bane, studying him inside and out.
"Ha, when she's not herself? Aren't you asking for self-trouble?"
*Chaos growls and hurls the stone into the air, then fires a Hyper Beam at it, shattering it.*
"Nice try. You always were resourceful..."
*Grabs his face and slams him into the ground.*
Marrisa flickered her wrist several times, icicles appearing out of the ground, blocking the path, one impaling him in the shoulder.
"And yet, you're not thinking straight. Don't you think it would be wise to deal with Veran first before freeing your sister?"
Chaos: "That's where you're wrong. You absorbed Shade's powers, which are identical to mine and Garret's. We share all of the same strengths, and the same weaknesses.... None of us are truly invincible. I know the single way to kill any of us...."
*Grabs Veran by the throat. Slowly, and ever so painfully, begins to unmake him.*
V-"But I'm not like one of you..... I also have my power!"
*Veran uses all of his power and begins to remake himself.*

B-"Not at all."
*Chaos laughs.*
"You don't seem to understand the way this works, Veran. In trying to fuse your powers and ours, you overlooked one thing."
*Veran's attempts to remake himself fail.*
Garret: "Our powers are a curse. They dominate all other powers the user may have, and cannot be fused. They will instantly negate anything more than them. This is the curse that we all carry. And now, you carry it as well."
*Continues unmaking Veran.*
*Aira got up off of the ground somewhat startled to see everyone outside in a great war*
"What the hey is going on out there? The better question is, what happened to me? One minute I was trying to help Garret, the next I can't even control myself..."
*She started to darken, she was scanning for Garret*
*She ran towards everyone else, leaving Tera on the floor of the house*
Veran-"This is no curse Chaos! They are gifts! Gifts from our bloodline! And I am the chosen, not you!"
*Veran starts using his power again which manages to make even with chaos' and halting the process.*
Chaos/Garret: "Maybe you think them a gift, for you have no heart, no compassion... But I do have emotion. I have experienced love, time and time again, and had it torn away from me."
OShade: "This is something you cannot pretend to understand."
Chaos/Garret/OShade: "Goodbye, Brother."

*Chaos, OShade, and Garret each fire a massive Necroblast at Veran. His soul is torn asunder, as well as his body. Garret and OShade collapse, unconscious, and Chaos vanishes. Garret and OShade's fur and eyes return to normal.*
OShade: *mutters in sleep* "Marissa..."
Garret: *mutters in sleep* "Aira..."
*Suddenly Veran felt a sting, distracting him just enough for Chaos to get an edge on him*
"And I think that it's only a gift to him, not YOU!"
*Aira jumped into the air spinning, with a blade in front of her headed for Veran. It was like a drill made out of an Umbreon*
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